Monday, June 28, 2004

Bloody Teenagers

Hey again,

I was at the local shops today, and I noticed that there were a lot of kids hanging around.



I am sick and tired of seeing kids skipping school, and loitering in public areas. Where in the hell are the parents? That’s right, they don’t know. And when they do know, they pass it off as a phase. But the more a kid misses school, the further behind in their education they become. But the kids don’t care. Most of them just want to get drunk, high and laid. Nobody wants to seem to learn any more.

That’s a fabulous life to aspire to, isn’t it?

When a parent places a child into a school, that parent expects a child to learn in a safe environment, where the child is supervised. When a child skips school, the child can often end up in a place which is sometimes unsafe. As a possible deterrent, I hope that child gets harassed or assaulted. He or she is shit itself, and possibly think twice before trying to skip school again.

Another thing that shits me is teenagers out at night, especially on the weekends. If there is a time and place that is unsafe, it’s at night in the city or somewhere completely gay like Norwood. The little shits constantly whore themselves around, scab cigarettes off people and try to get into ‘adult’ places, like nightclubs.

Little kids should not try to play ‘big people’ games. There’s a big chance that he or she will get raped, drugged, mugged, smacked up or worse. Maybe then he or she will learn a valuable lesson. If not:


Nothing too gay, like 10pm, but something like 12:30am. That will give the little shits enough time to pretend to be big, and then they can go home and let the adults have their time without them. And once they reach adulthood, then they can come out and play with the big people.

- Fridge

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Who Is The World's Best Vocalist?

Who IS the world's best vocalist? Let's run a poll for 2 weeks, and by then, we will have a winner.

Voting will be by a 3-2-1 vote system, with 3 being your first preference, and one being your third. I will tally the votes, and in roughly 2 weeks, I will announce the winning vocalist right here. So just name your vocalists and the band(s) they are from.

My 3-2-1 goes like this:
3 - Mike Patton (Faith No More, Mr Bungle, Fantomas, Tomahawk)
2 - Christina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil)
1 - Skin (Skunk Anansie)

So get cracking!

- Fridge.

Friday, June 25, 2004

The World Is Fucked And So Are You.

Hey again, I'm in a very judgmental mood today.


Because I'm an asshole. This entitles me to say whatever I want, and not listen to what everyone else has to say (with a few exceptions). Anyways, even if I did listen, I still wouldn't care about them as a person.

Anyways, this year has been great. I'm having quite a bit of fun by intentionally losing 'friends'. I have a very low tolerance of people, and everyone at school (with a few exceptions) seems to test that tolerance level. The fun part is getting prank calls in the middle of the night (about the only time when I'm NOT asleep), and nasty letters, of which I have received 3 so far this month. Cheers guys. Without your support, I would not be enjoying my work nearly as much as I do. You're keeping me in business.

In the space of 15 minutes yesterday, I bumped into a bullshit artist, a walking orgasm, and someone who looks like they have been slapped with a fish. Now that's entertainment!

There seems to be a rumour floating around that I don't like to have fun. I LOVE FUN! There's nothing wrong with good, clean fun. By good, clean fun, I mean the kind of fun that WON"T get you drunk, high, arrested or assaulted. I have no time for people who abuse drugs and alcohol. I know full well the damage that shit can cause, and it's not something I would wish upon my worst enemies (yes, I have a lot of them.......great, isn't it?).

I also hate sexually promiscuous people. To the FUCKING RETARDED, promiscuous means not restricted to one sexual partner. Why would people want to degrade themselves? I think more people should stop 'fucking around'. I will laugh at you when you catch something.I know you're asking 'What do I care?'

I care about the country I live in, and I'm concerned that it's turning to shit. There's whores, people wanting to be whores, druggie dropkicks, nightclubbers, alcoholics, the government and Girl T.V. The more people that shut the fuck up, listen to the voice of reason (being me, of course), and do something about the country they live in, the better off our country will be.

Let's get back to the days where women acted decently, men were gentlemen, and people respected each other.

Isn't that what we all want?

- Fridge.

My Solution For World Peace.

Okay, here's how we do it: At a universally agreed time (so not as to offend and religious or social groups), go to sleep. How can you hate, or even go to war with someone when you are asleep?

- Fridge.

I hate everyone.

You know what I really hate?

Apart from people and animals, people who misuse the phrase 'rock'. As in 'You guys rock', 'Justin Timberlake rocks' etc etc.

When someone says to you, 'You guys rock', and you're not in a rock band.............Slap the fucker for me.

When people refer to certain 'musicians' by saying they 'rock', when that said 'artist' quite clearly does not, beat the almighty out of them.

Newsflash retards: You cannot 'rock' unless you actually ROCK. But what IS ROCK, I hear you simpler folk ask. ROCK is freedom, ROCK is (or more accurately was)rebellion. It (like any other genre or subculture) is NOT about fashion, it is a lifestyle. It is about being yourself, not a slave or a clone for corporate consumerism.

Females (especially those in the 12-18 age bracket), in particular, seem to have a need to be just like everyone else. I cannot leave my house without seeing some dumb slurry at my local shops (skipping school, undoubtedly) making herself look fucking stupid by wearing something inappropriate. What IS inappropriate, you ask? To me (and I am a great judge), inappropriate is wearing something like a boob tube in the fuckin snow, or wearing suggestive or overly revealing outfits. Shit like that.

And guys, don't think that you can get away with this either. What's with all the homes? I feel like I'm in a KKK L.A or something. Why do you try to be something you are not? You slack fucks loiter in public places (especially shopping centres) with your equally pathetic mates, looking for people to scab money or cigarettes from, and trying to scam some 'bitches' or 'hoes'. Here's another newsflash: Most of you are WHITE!!!!!

To me (and I'm a great judge) real 'homies' are black AMERICAN guys, who live in the 'ghettos' rob liquor stores, and occasionally kill people too. If you 'Aussie Homies' don't 'keep it real', I will 'pop a cap in YOUR ass'!!!

There seems to be a lack of moral decency when it comes to fashion, nowadays. And come to mention it, there's a lack of decency when it comes to people. You are all fuckwits.

Go to hell.

- Fridge.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Killer Cuts 2

This week: My Ruin - American Psycho.

This song will rip you to shreds!!! Can you believe that the vocals (screaming included)are by Tairrie B, a chick???

Believe it. This song is very aggressive, but not in a death metal way, and that's a great thing. This band kick ass in a big way, and I sincerely hope they find it in their hearts to visit Australia.

If you don't dig this, you aren't worth knowing!


My Hall Of Fame 2

This week's inductee is:

Robert Long.

This dude is my 14 year old brother, and also one of my closest mates. We have always been close, and we do a lot of shit together. I can't speak highly enough of this dude, because he is genuinely great at everything he does. Football, cricket, basketball, school, fixing his bike, God the list goes on.

So cheers to you, Robbo. You deserve all the accolades that come your way.

- Fridge.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Quote Of the Week

" There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere" - Nelson Mandela.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Women are just as sexist as men............

Hey folks,

Women piss me off. Especially feminazis. Here's a great example why:

The other day (no it wasn't a weekend, so quit you're bitching, fucktard), I went to the local gym. My sole purpose was to get myself fit for a likely basketball season.

At the foyer, I was greeted by a pudgy, little maggot named CinnamonDonut, who obviously wasn't an instructor. When I enquired about a membership, she explained that it was a female-only gym.

Needless to say, I was very royally pissed (yes, I know I'm always pissed, but this time I was really pissed). So I argued these points to her:

a) It's sexist - she replied that only men are sexist. What a load of bullshit. Exclusion from anything on the basis of gender is sexism. So quite clearly, women are equally as guilty as men. Simple enough? No?

How come girls can be involved in Scouts, but boys can't do Girl Guides?
How come there are women-only gyms, but no men-only gyms?
Are men allowed to join feminist groups?
How come some schools offer Womens' Studies as a class, but there's no such thing as Mens' Studies?

b) Men are just as self-conscious as women -CinnamonDonut said that a reason for female-only gyms was the fact that women wanted to Exercise without being uncomfortable in the presence of men. Hey bitch, we get that same feeling too, and we don't like it either!!! We get ogled in the street (however, we don't get harassed at construction sites), we get propositioned at pubs, and we like to perve at women just as much as women like to perve at us (not me directly, I'm too ugly). You dream about guys like Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Hugh Jackoff. but we are cool with that. We got enough on our minds anyways. Like working, paying the bills, putting the kids through school, stuff that you don't do.

Simple enough yet?

It works both ways, ladies. But only one gender really gives a shit.

The women.

- Fridge.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

The Asshole Manifesto

This is my manifesto, written last year:

A new beginning enters through the door that the past slams shut. I choose to close myself off from my emotions.

The showing of emotions = vulnerability.

I can’t control my emotions. But I can bottle them up. By keeping a lid on what I feel, I can never reveal my true self to the outside world. I doubt that even I know my true self. I cry myself to sleep with these secrets I choose to keep.

My insides churn at the thought of you knowing how I feel about you. Pretending not to care is becoming tougher by the day. Inferiority is my best friend. I wear it like a hat. I can’t remember what love feels like.

Life is passing me by.

I wake up every day, wishing it were my last. I’m not a burden anyone should bear. The weight of a thousand men rests on my shoulders.

My pain reassures me, it consoles me, and it fits me like a shoe. I am capable of loving someone as deep as an ocean, but I fear I will never get that chance.

Everything I touch turns to shit. Have you seen my will to live? I seem to have lost it. My invisible friends are my only friends. I am helpless, but not helpless. I take comfort in my sadness. I am happily sad.

‘Tis not better to lose in love than to never love at all. Never knowing love knows not the fear of heartache. The sleepless nights are often the loneliest.

Would you like some pancakes?

I am a disease. I am a piece of shit. Everyone knows that. And for all those that don’t, I should try harder. I should throw in the towel, or should I keep it and hang myself with it?

It’s time to cut my losses, and my wrists.

Nikki Webster will be working at your local McDonalds this time next year.

Maybe I should open up to you. Maybe then I will know where I stand; maybe I will know where I sit. Sometimes I don’t know whether I am coming or going. I am going nowhere, and I’m making good time.

These are the words of me. These innermost secrets might as well be revealed from the keeper.
Without you, I am nothing.
Without you, I am something.

Persecute me not for who I am, but for who you think I am. Ask forgiveness for future acts of discrimination. I may not have directly burdened you with my company, but chances are you will know someone who has. Pity them, as their lifelong despair is just about to begin.

I miss the sight of you in spite of everything. I long for one last embrace, not an empty silence over a telephone line. Every day without you is longer than the day before. There is no tomorrow.

But before I have time to grasp the concept of a never ending today, I have to think about all my yesterdays. I regret everything, and everyone. And I am confident that you think the same way. But I am not confident in myself. Every day takes you further away from me, and part of me believes that this is for the best.

I feel sorry for you, but I am not even close to feeling sorry for myself.

I need time to think, I need time to drink.

I need time to take all this in. I need time to let it all out.

My hand throbs from the pain of writing what I feel, but to be able to express my thoughts, my feelings and my concerns pains me tenfold. But it is a necessary process. This is my manifesto.

Happiness. A calm, blue ocean. A married couple, two kids, and a home in the suburbs. The great Australian dream, the great universal cliché. A cliché I shall never know, a life I will never have the privilege of experiencing.

I have problems. Everyone has problems. We are fat, we are ugly, we wear happy pants, and we sometimes have braces. We are the minority. We are the lepers of society. Some of us long to become white bread society folk, some of us long to eat white bread.

I am like a goldfish, swimming in my own excrement.
I could have been the cure, but I am more likely to be the disease. I am nothing. I once had dreams, but I gave them up when I realised that they mattered little in comparison with achievements.

I have it better than some, but that doesn’t make me feel any better. I bite my toenails. I can change if I wanted to. I am swimming in a stream of unconsciousness.

I am a man of contradiction. I am not a man of contradiction.

I feel a lot better now that these words have flowed on to paper. This is unedited, uncensored and unadulterated emotion, the very kind of which I was afraid to reveal from the beginning. After reading this, I guarantee you that your opinion of me will have changed.

I wish mine could.

My Hall of Shame


Is there no other option but to give this inaugural award to FauxChrist?

She is such a hypocrite religious type, whose Christian beliefs are not as strong as one would like to think. Hypocrisy is one of my strongest hates. And the fact that she's a total cock cuddler means she's a mile ahead of the competition.

I hope you die.


My Hall of Fame

The inaugural inductees into my Hall of Fame are:

Tim Cook, and
Sylvia Stevens.

Tim Cook:
My best mate of around 4-5 years, this guy has been with me through thick and thin, and I love him to death. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for him or his family. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for him.

Sylvia Stevens: Tim's other half, but an equal half at that. Such an amazing compassionate girl, with a heart as big as Australia. Having my two best mates living under the same roof is such a rare occurrence these days, but it is indeed a perfect arrangement for me, as I can see them both at the same time.

Cheers Guys!!!!


Killer Cut

Skunk Anansie - Charlie Big Potato.

Skin has an amazing voice, and can rip your sensitive ears of with her high octave vocal spasms. Equipped with an exceptional rhythm section, this song almost has it all. With a Middle Eastern intro, when the band hits full stride, it blows you away.

If you don't dig this, you aren't worth knowing!
