Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Why, Trevor, Why?

I like Trevor from Big Brother.  He seems like a cool guy who loves a laugh, and doesn’t seem to piss anyone off.  But I lost a little respect for him when he proposed to his lady friend after winning 1 million dollars last night.  I know, it’s mean for me to spoil their happiness, but consider this:

A proposal of marriage should be something done privately.  Proposing in front of a live audience and TV viewers would make it extremely hard for Breea to say ‘no’.  If she had said ‘no’, Australia would make her Public Enemy Number One.

Breea now has 1 million reasons to say ‘yes’.  I must admit, they do look a cute couple, but with that ‘added incentive’, Breea now has 1 million reasons not to say ‘no’.  If I were in Trevor’s shoes, I’d forever ask the question, “Does she only want me for my money?”

That poem was decent though, but probably best used for intimate moments.  And there seems to be a no more intimate moment than a marriage proposal.

Think about it.

- Fridge.

Ryan Should Have Won Big Brother!

Ashamedly, I watched quite a lot of Big Brother this season. 

Before the coming into the house, I had always respected Ryan.  His blossoming footy career came to a huge crash landing with a series of horrible injuries (11 in the past four years), yet he kept going at it.  After coming into the house, I thought he was a mad laugh. 

Another good thing about Ryan?  He was the first housemate to think that Miriam was a bloke.  To say to other people that you think someone is a gender-bender is gutsy at the very least.

Ryan also made Krystal (one of my most hated housemates) look like a total dumbass.  Krystal confessed that she was once an exotic dancer, and said that at times her clients would fondle her breasts.  Ryan then talked about a time he paid a woman for a "rub and tug", Krystal got offended (even that I congratulate Ryan for) when he compared it to her previous line of work.  I hear you ask what a "rub and tug" is?

As Merlin put it (which is the only good thing he ever did), a rub and tug is "a massage with a happy ending".  Krystal then told Ryan that she thought it was wrong for a woman to be paid to pleasure a man.  She was an exotic dancer!  Old men got their jollies by touching her awful looking tits. 

Ryan, the complete and utter genius said, "What's the difference between tugging off a bloke and letting an old sweaty bloke grab your boobs?"  There is no difference!  Even a moron would know that.  But then again, Krystal isn't your average, garden-variety moron.

She replied with, "The difference is that I would not touch an old man's penis and tug him off, I would rather him touch my boobies."  I think she just confused herself, or dug herself deeper into a hole.  Touching is touching, yet she thinks that touching someone's breasts is different from touching a penis.  Apart from being different sexes, there isn't much difference.  Ryan completely owned her there.  I wish he could've done the same to Ashalea.

Long live Rootman!

- Fridge.



Monday, July 26, 2004

My All-Star Band

(1 member per band, 1 member per instrument)

First All-Star Band:

Vocals: Mike Patton (Faith No More, Mr Bungle, Fantomas, Tomahawk)
Guitar: Jerry Cantrell (Alice In Chains)
Bass: Les Claypool (Primus, Sausage)
Drums: Raymond Herrera (Fear Factory)
Keyboards/Piano: Elton John

Second All-Star Band:

Vocals: Christina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil)
Guitar: Dean DeLeo (Stone Temple Pilots)
Bass: Trevor Dunn (Mr Bungle, Fantomas)
Drums: Mike Bordin (Faith No More, Ozzy Osbourne, Jerry Cantrell)
Keyboards/Piano: Josh Silver (Type O Negative)


My Top 10 Songs Of All-Time (1 song per band)

 1) Retrovertigo - Mr Bungle

 2) Secretly - Skunk Anansie

 3) To Myself I Turned - Lacuna Coil

 4) Friday, I'm In Love - The Cure

 5) Jizzlobber - Faith No More

 6)Adhesive - Stone Temple Pilots

 7) Der Golem - Fantomas

 8)You Know You're Right - Nirvana

 9)The Great Beyond - R.E.M

 10)Shame In You - Alice In Chains

- Fridge.

My Top 10 Albums of All-Time (1 album per band)

1) Angel Dust - Faith No More
2) California - Mr Bungle
3) Comalies - Lacuna Coil
4) Tiny Music: Songs From The Vatican Gift Shop - Stone Temple Pilots
5) The Director's Cut - Fantomas
6) Mit Gas - Tomahawk
7) Alice In Chains - Alice In Chains
8) Nirvana - Nirvana
9) Eight Arms To Hold You - Veruca Salt
10) Post Orgasmic Chill - Skunk Anansie

- Fridge

Thursday, July 01, 2004

I need a fucking logo!!!

Hey eveyone,

It has come to my attention that I need an official logo for this site. If anyone has any ideas, or the know-how, post a comment here.

Thanks a million, people.

- Fridge.