Paris Hilton is the 'face' of the decay of our youth. Teenage girls want to be her, and teenage boys (and probably 90% of the male population) would kill to be with her.
She is famous for being famous. Until two or three years ago, she basically lived off her parents' fortune, but now dabbles in Z-Grade movies and TV shows.
My main peeve is that people think it's okay to get through life being stupid, opening your legs (and other body parts)for a camera, and being a 'pretty face'. Are girls today aware of the importance of substance?
If this is an indication of the teenage female psyche, it would spell chaos for life as we know it. Teenage boys (I know I'm making a generalization here, but I speak about the majority)seem to be after a pretty face and body, while personality and morals are a minor detail. But once the 'thrill' of getting cheap fun has worn out, the search of a decent woman becomes a tougher battle than necessary.
In my experience, all the decent girls I knew when I was a kid were all nothing more to me than friends. Looking back, some of these girls would have been ideal as partners. But I only pursued relationships with those who I considered to be 'up for it'. It was only when I reached adulthood that I saw the error of my ways, because I still find it difficult to interact with women.
I have strayed my from my point. My message is simple; Kids: Don't imitate or emulate people like Paris Hilton.
She may be rich, but she sure as hell has no class or substance.
- Fridge.