I had my last cigarette on Saturday night....
I was presented with an enticing proposition by my grandfather, with the understanding that if I gave up that day (Saturday), he would pay for half my airfare to Canada.
Which reminds me...I'm going to Canada for the Christmas/New Year break!!! My lovely girlfriend Smitty and her family have been super generous, by letting me stay with them.
I have also started playing footy for my local C Grade team...and my skill level is piss poor!
Uni sucks, especially the Will & Grace wannabe Arts Ed tutor/Nazi, who insulted 3 classes for a piece of work that wasn't even being graded!!! I had a few words with her as I left her class...
I have a new list of HATES...
- People who aren't team players
- People who wear G-Strings (you may as well wear no underwear...)
- People who take photos of themselves topless or naked on webcam
- David Hassellhoff being anywhere and everywhere at the moment...Hoffmania?? Can you believe that he's a HUGE popstar in Germany??
- Wiggas...for obvious reasons...
- The fact that I only had ONE bacon & egg sandwich for breakfast in the Uni Cafeteria
- Stupid kids who skip school
- Skanks
- Skanks
- 10 year old girls who try to dress and act like adults...
- Adults (usually age 35 and older) trying to dress and act like young adults (from age 20 and under)
- hipster jeans...girls, do you want to expose your money box every time you bend over?
There's more...but I'll save it for another time...
- Fridge
P.S - I got the following photo in an email from some random idiot...

1 comment:
Things that Piss me off :
Emo kids whom when asked can't even describe what "emo" even is other than a bunch of ugly little kids who try to make being depressed a trend. Kids that have no idea what AGONY is. Bastards.
All the skinny gorgeous chicks on myspace posting nothing short of model pics and saying "Ohhh look at my fat rolls" Get real bitches...You know damn good and well you aren't fat. If you'd like to see REAL fat...I could show you.
Sluts. The kind of girls that have nothing else to do but look gorgeous and insert themselves so crudely into good relationships just to seduce some fucking idiot man away from a GOOD girl an intelligent female who deserves something good for a change.
Racists. People who somehow condone hating every person of a different race just because they're not white. Someone will surely hate me for saying this but americans are the biggest fucking ASSHOLES this planet has to offer. (I'm one of them so I have room to speak)
Fat chicks who never take baths or put on makeup or even attempt to look nice. It makes everyone think: Fat=Gross. I'm fat and I may not be attractive but I don't stink and I am SMART.
Hillbillies who are somehow proud to be stupid.
Men who use the tiniest excuses to get away with NOT doing anything.
People who somehow think what you listen too or wear defines you.
Disgusting men who think its "funny" to talk about abusing women or anyone for that matter.
People who talk about religion or politics and actualy have never even read or paid attention to anything about the subject long enough to know what they're talking about.
Religious people trying to make themselves out to be better than the average person, And are such hypocrits that they think forcing bullshit to people who don't want to hear it will somehow get more people "saved"
Kids who have graduated highschool and don't even know how to read and then somehow try to make me feel bad for not ever having an education.
Kids who HAVE the opportunity to go to highschool and don't even bother staying in school.
Commercials about smoking pot. Everyone knows the government is only making it illegal so they can keep making money off the poor bastards that smoke it. (me)
Fat chicks that say the reason why they're 350 lbs is because they were pregnant once.
I thought I'd leave you that one. :p Nice blog n shit. Nice talking about boobies with you. :p
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