Something quite remarkable happened at my brother's football game today.
It was an Elimination Final, so there was no tomorrow for either team. My brother's team, the Hawks, were about 3 goals ahead of the opposition, when my brother marked the ball just outside the goal square. His opponent held onto his jumper as he went back to take his kick. So my brother whacked his arm off his jumper. That one less-than minor indiscretion was enough for the umpire (who was not much older than the players) to award the opposition a free kick!
So my brother (stupidly) called the umpire a 'weak dog'. So (perhaps rightly so), he was sent from the ground for 10 minutes. As he left the ground, the opposition said things to him, as is usually the case in football, so there was a little push and shove (and scare tactics...). As he arrived at the boundary, the crowd, mostly comprised of parents of the opposition players, proceeded to boo and jeer him from the field.
This is where events took a comical turn for the better (or worse, if you're that way inclined).
My brother, royally pissed off at the crowd, the umpire and himself, pulled down his shorts and mooned the crowd. That's right...he gave the crowd a cheeky smile! Understandably, his coach was not amused, but the Hawks supporters present thought it was the greatest thing to happen to football since Mark 'Jacko' Jackson performed handstands! This resulted in a verbal altercation with a few so-called members of the human race and a few people around me, myself included.
They hit an all-time low when they made a mention of a fight at my brother's school, in which my brother and a friend were attacked by a gang of around 20 kids. To brag about that is the ultimate form of cowardice. The douche who made that comment deserves to be gang-raped by Von Einem and his 'pals' in prison. No self-respecting human being would ever condone gang violence, especially when one party is so disproportionately outnumbered. Those who do condone this type of gutless act deserve to be subjected to this treatment, just to see if they hold the same views afterwards.

But the real issue is the behaviour of parents in general. You are there to enjoy the game, and also to set an example for your children. Yes, you're watching kid's football, not the AFL! You're only an embarrassment to yourself, your children and your club if you choose to partake in this type of behaviour.
Now, here's a tip for you sporting parents out there...SHUT THE FUCK UP. Kids know when they've done something wrong, so they don't need arseholes reminding them. So DON'T be surprised to be subjected to a torrent of abuse if you do...and certainly don't complain about it, either.
- Fridge.
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