Sunday, October 08, 2006

Can we have an FGP-free society?

Hey Y'all,

This is just a short rant about the FGP phenomenon.

What is an FGP? An FGP is a 'Fat Girl with Personality'.

They are EVERYWHERE. They are in pubs, on public transport, at sporting events. EVERYWHERE.

Courtesy of Google Images, here's a damn fine example of what an FGP looks like....

I'm not a fat-hater, because I'm on the large side myself, but why do they insist on making fools of themselves in public? They're always the people you can hear from the other side of a crowded room, saying stupid shit like 'I've had 4 Vodka Cruisers!' or 'This really hot guy just looked at me!'

They are always the people talking loudly on mobile phones on buses or trains, yapping (in detail) about that day's events, their plans for the weekend, and Tupac Shakur. I even saw an FGP on the bus a year or two ago who named her ugly, fat kid Dre! That is the ultimate act of an FGP: Unspeakable attention-seeking acts, designed to make everyone (bar their 'cliques') cringe at the sight of them.

I have a proposal for those who are sick and tired of the FGP Fraternity: A gold-coin (if you're in Australia, otherwise a dollar, pound or yen would suffice) donation into your personal piggy bank at every sighting of an FGP-related incident. That's right people: you'd be making yourself very fucking rich via the idiocy of stupid fatty loudmouths.

Leave a comment if you agree or disagree with this proposal.

Until next time, stay cool!

- Fridge.

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