Sunday, January 28, 2007

Show some RESPECT!!!

Hey Y'all,

First of all, I must apologize for my lack of contribution to this blog recently. I've been busy, deal with it.

Now, back to business. I must warn you that this isn't a racist post, just a point I'd like to make about Australia Day.

At Semaphore, South Australia on Australia Day (January 26), a youth wearing an Australian flag ripped from his back, ripped and spat on by members of the 'Greek or Italian community'. To me, this is an inexcusable act. There is nothing more disrespectful than defacing someone's flag, especially if you are an immigrant to that country.

For too long, the Australian Government has catered excessively for the needs of immigrants,(and not JUST the Mediterraneans) while ignoring the rest of us natural Australians. Regretfully, the Cronulla riot of 2005 was bound to happen. The tensions been Caucasian and Middle Eastern immigrants had been simmering for years, and finally escalated when the local residents became sick and tired of alleged assaults and intimidatory behaviour in the area.

While violence and racism are never the answer to any conflict, it was the inaction of the powers that be, as well as the perceived injustices towards natural Australians that created this riot. If these alleged incidences 'assaults and intimidatory behaviour' did occur, then in my opinion that is a huge lack of respect to Australia, and the Australian way of life.

When you migrate to another country, you are supposed to uphold and respect the laws of that country, and to respect the religious beliefs and way of life of that nation. When immigrants have a blatant disrespect for the laws, beliefs and way of life of Australia, it makes my blood boil. But they are not entirely to blame. They are used to being pampered by the Australian government, so why wouldn't they be now?

I envy the magnitude of respect and awe in which the American flag is held. I've seen grown men cry while singing The Star-Spangled Banner. I admire that they think so much of their country, flag and way of life. I resent, actually I hate the way Australians (both natural and immigrants) display an open ambivalence towards our flag and anthem. It makes me sick.

Personally, I believe that if you migrate to another country and disrespect the traditions, flag, beliefs and lifestyle of that country you should be sent of the first flight back to Whereverthefuckitisyoucamefromville. These turds have to realize that they fled and/or chose to come to Australia due civil war, drought, famine & war or for work, family or medical reasons. People who disrespect this or any country they live in should fuck off home and find their version of Paradise.

Don't be a pussy, put your money where your mouth is if you say you'd rather be elsewhere.

Again, this is not a racist post, just an opinion from someone who is sick and tired of having his country used as a doormat by foreigners.

- Fridge.


Anonymous said...


alex said...

If I subject the dream of another person instead of one of my thyroid own to analysis, the result is the same; the motives for convincing others is, however, changed.. The elder was gently forcing the girl back to penicillin her place.. His eye rested upon sleeping Balaam anchored to inderal a post in the street, and so as he recalled the treachery that lay at the base of all his affliction, gloom was added to the desolation.. Podington smiled, and leaning backward, he looked up at the beautiful acyclovir blue sky.. He helped her gallantly to a chair, on which she seated herself sideways, somewhat ceremoniously, with her eyes clonazepam following the point of her parasol as she traced a pattern on the carpet.. M---- is a young business man phentermine without any poetical or literary interests.. An essential constituent of this experience is the appearance of a certain perception (of food in our example), thyroid the memory picture of which thereafter remains associated with the memory trace of the excitation of want.. Fool who? on the lortab day after his marriage he had asked, with a look at those who had often said that he was too little to have a wife.. Aground! exclaimed Podington, Heaven be praised! As the two men stood up in the submerged wagon the water was above their knees, phentermine and when Podington looked out over the surface of the pond, now so near his face, it seemed like a sheet of water he had never seen before.. The candidate writhed a good deal, studied the beams overhead and the chickens out of celexa the window, and then replied, It is so long since I learnt the first part of the spelling-book, that I can't justly answer that question.. The simplest way to percocet approximate two dream thoughts, which have as yet nothing in common, consists in making such a change in the actual expression of one idea as will meet a slight responsive recasting in the form of the other idea.. As I remarked, nearly all parts of the dream metformin have been brought into this new connection.. But we have also concurred with lithium the contrary view, viz.. Upon reference to this infantile experience, the tramadol beginning of the dream seems to represent the factor of sexual excitement.. The widow was mad all xanax over that Squire Hopkins should take such a mean advantage of his rival...

alex said...

If I subject the dream of another person instead of one of my wellbutrin own to analysis, the result is the same; the motives for convincing others is, however, changed.. The elder was gently forcing the girl back to acetaminophen her place.. His eye rested upon sleeping Balaam anchored to codeine a post in the street, and so as he recalled the treachery that lay at the base of all his affliction, gloom was added to the desolation.. Podington smiled, and leaning backward, he looked up at the beautiful thyroid blue sky.. He helped her gallantly to a chair, on which she seated herself sideways, somewhat ceremoniously, with her eyes phentermine following the point of her parasol as she traced a pattern on the carpet.. M---- is a young business man ambien without any poetical or literary interests.. An essential constituent of this experience is the appearance of a certain perception (of food in our example), viagra the memory picture of which thereafter remains associated with the memory trace of the excitation of want.. Fool who? on the lithium day after his marriage he had asked, with a look at those who had often said that he was too little to have a wife.. Aground! exclaimed Podington, Heaven be praised! As the two men stood up in the submerged wagon the water was above their knees, lithium and when Podington looked out over the surface of the pond, now so near his face, it seemed like a sheet of water he had never seen before.. The candidate writhed a good deal, studied the beams overhead and the chickens out of zyrtec the window, and then replied, It is so long since I learnt the first part of the spelling-book, that I can't justly answer that question.. The simplest way to xanax approximate two dream thoughts, which have as yet nothing in common, consists in making such a change in the actual expression of one idea as will meet a slight responsive recasting in the form of the other idea.. As I remarked, nearly all parts of the dream yasmin have been brought into this new connection.. But we have also concurred with hydrocodone the contrary view, viz.. Upon reference to this infantile experience, the clonazepam beginning of the dream seems to represent the factor of sexual excitement.. The widow was mad all insulin over that Squire Hopkins should take such a mean advantage of his rival...

alex said...

If I subject the dream of another person instead of one of my cialis own to analysis, the result is the same; the motives for convincing others is, however, changed.. The elder was gently forcing the girl back to potassium her place.. His eye rested upon sleeping Balaam anchored to tylenol a post in the street, and so as he recalled the treachery that lay at the base of all his affliction, gloom was added to the desolation.. Podington smiled, and leaning backward, he looked up at the beautiful potassium blue sky.. He helped her gallantly to a chair, on which she seated herself sideways, somewhat ceremoniously, with her eyes bupropion following the point of her parasol as she traced a pattern on the carpet.. M---- is a young business man skelaxin without any poetical or literary interests.. An essential constituent of this experience is the appearance of a certain perception (of food in our example), levitra the memory picture of which thereafter remains associated with the memory trace of the excitation of want.. Fool who? on the hydrocodone day after his marriage he had asked, with a look at those who had often said that he was too little to have a wife.. Aground! exclaimed Podington, Heaven be praised! As the two men stood up in the submerged wagon the water was above their knees, provera and when Podington looked out over the surface of the pond, now so near his face, it seemed like a sheet of water he had never seen before.. The candidate writhed a good deal, studied the beams overhead and the chickens out of viagra the window, and then replied, It is so long since I learnt the first part of the spelling-book, that I can't justly answer that question.. The simplest way to zocor approximate two dream thoughts, which have as yet nothing in common, consists in making such a change in the actual expression of one idea as will meet a slight responsive recasting in the form of the other idea.. As I remarked, nearly all parts of the dream viagra have been brought into this new connection.. But we have also concurred with adderall the contrary view, viz.. Upon reference to this infantile experience, the ambien beginning of the dream seems to represent the factor of sexual excitement.. The widow was mad all provigil over that Squire Hopkins should take such a mean advantage of his rival...

Anonymous said...

"I envy the magnitude of respect and awe in which the American flag is held. I've seen grown men cry while singing The Star-Spangled Banner. I admire that they think so much of their country, flag and way of life"

too much patriotism can be scary though don't you think?!

just look at North Korean patriotism...

alex said...

If I subject the dream of another person instead of one of my detrol own to analysis, the result is the same; the motives for convincing others is, however, changed.. The elder was gently forcing the girl back to thyroid her place.. His eye rested upon sleeping Balaam anchored to viagra a post in the street, and so as he recalled the treachery that lay at the base of all his affliction, gloom was added to the desolation.. Podington smiled, and leaning backward, he looked up at the beautiful hydrocodone blue sky.. He helped her gallantly to a chair, on which she seated herself sideways, somewhat ceremoniously, with her eyes provigil following the point of her parasol as she traced a pattern on the carpet.. M---- is a young business man actonel without any poetical or literary interests.. An essential constituent of this experience is the appearance of a certain perception (of food in our example), vioxx the memory picture of which thereafter remains associated with the memory trace of the excitation of want.. Fool who? on the synthroid day after his marriage he had asked, with a look at those who had often said that he was too little to have a wife.. Aground! exclaimed Podington, Heaven be praised! As the two men stood up in the submerged wagon the water was above their knees, viagra and when Podington looked out over the surface of the pond, now so near his face, it seemed like a sheet of water he had never seen before.. The candidate writhed a good deal, studied the beams overhead and the chickens out of ultram the window, and then replied, It is so long since I learnt the first part of the spelling-book, that I can't justly answer that question.. The simplest way to percocet approximate two dream thoughts, which have as yet nothing in common, consists in making such a change in the actual expression of one idea as will meet a slight responsive recasting in the form of the other idea.. As I remarked, nearly all parts of the dream motrin have been brought into this new connection.. But we have also concurred with nystatin the contrary view, viz.. Upon reference to this infantile experience, the thyroid beginning of the dream seems to represent the factor of sexual excitement.. The widow was mad all phentermine over that Squire Hopkins should take such a mean advantage of his rival...

alex said...

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