Sunday, January 01, 2006

Help me find a New Year's resolution!

Hey y'all,

I spent New Year's Eve drinking alone, so my head was too clouded with hate and disgust to make any real resolutions. I know it's too late, but I have prepared a shortlist of possible resolutions for 2006.

Here's where you guys come into the picture. Help me select some resolutions from this following list:

It is my New Year's resolution to;
- Give up smoking
- Become more hostile
- Become more apathetic
- Become more sympathetic
- Shun people on a regular basis
- Become a hermit
- Find some direction in life
- Hate more, and with more intensity
- Die
- Become a vegetarian
- Eat more meat
- Eat more varieties of animals
- Gain ninja or Bo staff skills
- Look at my High School experience as pleasant and life-changing in a positive way
- Become a sniper
- Give up on life and move to Elizabeth or Smithfield
- More actively help others, especially those in need
- Take from others, especially those in need
- Learn how to Papier Mache
- Throw flammable objects from moving vehicles
- Create a disease
- Cure a disease

That's all I could think of for now. It would be much appreciated if you would post your preferred options. If you don't, you're a hopeless fuckwit who deserves to be tortured in a dark room in which you'll have to endure electric shock therapy and Coldplay CD's.

- Fridge


Anonymous said...

Kelly thinks you should quit smoking, but you already knew that.. and perhaps exercise better judgement on selecting New Years resolutions.. although it would be cool to be a ninja or do paper mache.. but you really should diversify your bonds this year, oh yeah, and you should travel more...

Anonymous said...

After checking out your site, I think your top choices for New Year's resolutions seem to be:

1. Become a Hermit
2. Die

Anonymous said...

awww! but i like coldplay...