Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Ryan Should Have Won Big Brother!

Ashamedly, I watched quite a lot of Big Brother this season. 

Before the coming into the house, I had always respected Ryan.  His blossoming footy career came to a huge crash landing with a series of horrible injuries (11 in the past four years), yet he kept going at it.  After coming into the house, I thought he was a mad laugh. 

Another good thing about Ryan?  He was the first housemate to think that Miriam was a bloke.  To say to other people that you think someone is a gender-bender is gutsy at the very least.

Ryan also made Krystal (one of my most hated housemates) look like a total dumbass.  Krystal confessed that she was once an exotic dancer, and said that at times her clients would fondle her breasts.  Ryan then talked about a time he paid a woman for a "rub and tug", Krystal got offended (even that I congratulate Ryan for) when he compared it to her previous line of work.  I hear you ask what a "rub and tug" is?

As Merlin put it (which is the only good thing he ever did), a rub and tug is "a massage with a happy ending".  Krystal then told Ryan that she thought it was wrong for a woman to be paid to pleasure a man.  She was an exotic dancer!  Old men got their jollies by touching her awful looking tits. 

Ryan, the complete and utter genius said, "What's the difference between tugging off a bloke and letting an old sweaty bloke grab your boobs?"  There is no difference!  Even a moron would know that.  But then again, Krystal isn't your average, garden-variety moron.

She replied with, "The difference is that I would not touch an old man's penis and tug him off, I would rather him touch my boobies."  I think she just confused herself, or dug herself deeper into a hole.  Touching is touching, yet she thinks that touching someone's breasts is different from touching a penis.  Apart from being different sexes, there isn't much difference.  Ryan completely owned her there.  I wish he could've done the same to Ashalea.

Long live Rootman!

- Fridge.




Anonymous said...

haha ok ur way into that show.kinda scarey.haha but i love ya anyways.bye :)

Anonymous said...

Paul agrees. ryan should have won. and krystals tits were quite horrible.

Hugs and Kisses
P-Mac signing off...