Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Why, Trevor, Why?

I like Trevor from Big Brother.  He seems like a cool guy who loves a laugh, and doesn’t seem to piss anyone off.  But I lost a little respect for him when he proposed to his lady friend after winning 1 million dollars last night.  I know, it’s mean for me to spoil their happiness, but consider this:

A proposal of marriage should be something done privately.  Proposing in front of a live audience and TV viewers would make it extremely hard for Breea to say ‘no’.  If she had said ‘no’, Australia would make her Public Enemy Number One.

Breea now has 1 million reasons to say ‘yes’.  I must admit, they do look a cute couple, but with that ‘added incentive’, Breea now has 1 million reasons not to say ‘no’.  If I were in Trevor’s shoes, I’d forever ask the question, “Does she only want me for my money?”

That poem was decent though, but probably best used for intimate moments.  And there seems to be a no more intimate moment than a marriage proposal.

Think about it.

- Fridge.

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