Monday, December 13, 2004

The Tribunal

I was at THC with Captain Dickhead today, and I realized that there were a lot of ugly skanks parading themselves around as if they were fucking supermodels. We came up with a cool idea:

To set up a tribunal or court-like arrangement (run by yours truly, of course, because I’m a great judge of character) to put alleged offenders on trial. I will make up penalties on a case-by-case basis. At the moment, I like the sound of enforcing a penalty called ‘Walk the Walk’.

A ‘Walk the Walk’ is a great example of public humiliation. If a girl, or guy for that matter, decides to walk around in next to nothing, she deserves to be ridiculed. So ‘Walk the Walk’ would require an offender to parade around a shopping centre or public area fully naked. Let’s see how they like that………….

I am so sick of seeing stupid kids trying to look and act like adults.

NEWSFLASH: Being an adult sucks!!!!!

Kids don’t have any responsibility; they are looked after by parents and family, and they sure as hell don’t have to have jobs to survive in the world. I believe that kids who walk around in public wearing little more than their underwear are asking for perverts to approach them.

I certainly don’t approve of sexual assaults, rapes or any kind of physical harassment, but I can see how this kind of shit happens.

And before you say anything, I’m not anti-teenager. It’s because I have a great deal of respect for kids that I am trying to help them. Being a teenager is fucked. The world is against you, your body is against you, and a lot of kids end up on drugs, pregnant or fuckheads as a result.

Kids: Look in the mirror before you walk out your front door.

- Fridge.


Anonymous said...

i totally agree wif u there fridge
cover up girlies!!

Anonymous said...

The MS (refer Captain Dickhead), having more fully reviwed this site, suggests that although teaching would be a great career move for both you and students, a political career may be more beneficial? Teach the pollies how to look after our beautiful world; care for children and parents. Teach the teachers how to teach and care for the children...maybe they'll want to stay at school. Teach the teenagers how to respect themselves; teach them about good, clean fun! Old fashion manners and good sense seem to be advocated here by you. Gee, what a novel idea. Teach that too!

Minister Asshole Champion of The World. Has a nice ring don't you think?